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The University Performance Development Center announces the organization of a course to develop the capabilities of faculty members "Scholarships and the nature of study abroad"
Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Ashraf Mohamed Abdel Basset, President of Mansoura University and led by Prof. Dr. Ashraf Tarek Hafez, Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research Affairs, the University Performance Development Center announces the organization of a course to develop the capabilities of faculty members “Scholarship and the nature of study abroad” for two days, June 5 and 6 2022 from ten in the morning until three in the afternoon at the center's headquarters. The training course deals with the opportunities and grants available and provided by all agencies and bodies to study abroad for all categories of faculty and support staff. It also includes the conditions for admission to scholarships announced by the Central Administration of Scholarships at the Ministry of Higher Education. In addition to travel requirements and evaluation criteria for obtaining grants from various agencies. To register attendance, please fill out the following form and be at the center's headquarters on Sunday at half past nine in the morning
to sign up: