Postgraduate Studies and Research Sector
Faculty of Pharmacy, Mansoura University

The Vice Deanship for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research seeks to raise the level of the college academically and scientifically, and to take care and interest in scientific research on high-quality scientific bases and to encourage innovative projects


Postgraduate Sector

Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Research
Prof. Dr. Khaled Besheer 

The mission of universities in the present era plays a very important role in the lives of nations and peoples, as it is no longer limited to the traditional goals in terms of searching for knowledge and carrying out teaching, but rather extending the message to include all aspects of scientific, technical and technological life, and this is only accomplished by activating the mission of universities in activating the research movement Scientific research, linking scientific research in postgraduate studies to community issues and opening channels of cooperation, coordination and communication between universities and various development sectors. Therefore, the Vice Deanship for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research seeks to raise the level of the college academically and scientifically, pay attention to scientific research on high-quality scientific bases, encourage innovative projects, and urge faculty members and graduate students to take care of this aspect, which is a necessary feature for any society seeking To achieve a scientific, academic and cultural renaissance. Accordingly, I recommend you, my students, to keep pace with everything that is new in the field of your specializations and to increase the sources of science and knowledge, so that this will return to all of us progress and progress. I ask God to help us all to serve our beloved Egypt.

Study schedules for the second semester 2021/2022 (spring) for the blessed month of Ramadan
for diplomas
Toxicology and forensic chemical analysis - quality control and pharmacological analysis - biochemistry - microbiology and immunology
Cosmetics - Clinical Nutrition - Clinical Pharmacology - Pharm
Exam schedules for the second semester of the academic year 2021/2022 (spring)
For postgraduate programs
Diplomas - Masters - PhD

أوراق التسجيل -أوراق منح الدرجة - استمارات تسجيل دبلومات وفارم دي

أوراق المناقشة - موافقة جهه العمل

افادة بحث مستخرج من رسالة

لائحة الدراسات العليا 2021- لائحة أخلاقيات البحث العلمي

لائحة برامج الدراسات العليا 2014 والمعدلة 2017

لائحة برامج الدبلوما ت والماجستير والدكتوراة

The Faculty of Pharmacy, Mansoura University, plays an important and effective role in preparing and graduating cadres of pharmacists
At the highest level of knowledge and experience that qualifies them to keep pace with the tremendous development in
Pharmaceutical industry and serving their community
The office aims to raise the level of research skills of faculty members and graduate students at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Mansoura University
To prepare researchers at an international competitive level
To contribute to the advancement of the college and university ranking among local and international universities
The central laboratory provides the latest scientific equipment and techniques for conducting the necessary experiments and analyzes for graduate students, faculty members and researchers in various research sectors. The laboratory also aims to encourage progress for the various announced research projects.
Whether in the Academy of Scientific Research or the graduate studies and research sector at the university or at the international level


An introductory video about the duration of study, work, study materials for each semester and statistics on the number of applicants for the Clinical Nutrition Diploma and PharmD programs

Clinical Nutrition Diploma

Work as a dietitian who provides advice in the nutritional pattern and solves problems related to nutrition in cooperation with the medical team. The duration of the study is one year

Pharmacy doctor PharmD

Work as a clinical pharmacist in hospitals, drug level control centers in the body, the field of pharmaceutical industry, drug control and drug research, study period is two years

Featured Programs

Clinical pharmacy is an area of pharmacy practice in hospitals

Preparing researchers and practitioners capable of global competition

You will have the opportunity to work with leading experts on projects.

You will gain hands-on experience using the latest technologies and tools.

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