
The Dean of the College, the Vice-Deans, the faculty members and the gentlemen working in the College, extends her sincere congratulations and blessings to the faculty members who have won the university prizes for the university year 2021/2022 and wishes them continued progress, advancement and excellence, and they are
first: The University Award for Academic Excellence :- -
A. Dr. Mona Ibrahim Awad Shaaban - Professor of Microbiology and Immunology at the Faculty of Pharmacy (the field of medical and pharmaceutical sciences)
Second: University Incentive Award: -
Prof. Rania Nabih Muhammad Al-Shahini - Assistant Professor, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy
- Dr. Muhammad Asaad Zaki Hassan Al-Mawafi - Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology, College of Pharmacy
Third: The University Award for Best Doctoral Theses:
Dr. Nora Hamdan Abdo Abu Talib - Lecturer in the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, College of Pharmacy
Fourth: The University Prize for the Best Theses for the Master’s Degree:-
Lect. Ahmed Mohamed Awad Mohamed Shata - Department of Drugs and Toxicology, Faculty of Pharmacy


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