Symposium on HIV, the Relationship of Science, Policy and Academic Management of Policy Issues

In the framework of the collaboration between the Academy and the Network of African Academies of Sciences (NASA), the South African Academy of Sciences (ASSAf) announces that in celebration of International Human Rights Day, a symposium will be held on HIV, the relationship of science, policy and academic management of policy issues, the COVID pandemic and critical issues regarding human rights. Prof. Dr. Salem Saleh Abdel Karim, Director of the Center for AIDS Research Program in South Africa and Professor of Global Health at Columbia University, will speak on March 9, 2022 (via Zoom technology) from eleven to twelve in the afternoon.

Dr. Salem Saleh Abdulkarim is a broad-based clinical infectious disease epidemiologist who is recognized for his scientific contributions and leadership in AIDS and Covid-19, and is Director (South African AIDS Program Center for Research) and Professor of Global Health at Columbia University, Professor Associate at Cornell and Harvard Universities and Professional Vice-Chancellor at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, he has also served as Chair of the South African Medical Research Council.

He is a member of the WHO Scientific Council and the WHO Task Force on Tuberculosis and HIV.

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