Message from the Director

Message from the Director of the Pharm D Program

Dear Respected Pharm D Students,

Welcome to the Faculty of Pharmacy at Mansoura University.

It is my pleasure to introduce our Pharm D’s faculty program starting from March, 2016. Our faculty is being involved in conducting Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm. D.) program offering to prepare tomorrow’s clinical pharmacists.

The program is strongly committed to train the Pharm. D. graduates to participate in Direct Patient Care as an effective team member in health care system as lifelong experts in therapeutic planning, intervention and rational use of medicines. This is achieved through a structured academic program and excellence in teaching with special focus on clinical training in the areas of drug information, institutional pharmacy practice training, internal medicine, critical care, ambulatory medicine, cardiology, outcomes research, infectious disease, pharmacokinetics, managed care, and emergency/ambulatory care. The interaction with experienced faculty, departmental environment and clinical rotations build strong foundations for the professional degree students.

Clinical Pharmacy is concerned with the science and practice of rational use and management of medications. It brings patients and the pharmacists directly in contact, where Clinical Pharmacists provide direct patient care, optimizing medication therapy, educating patients and disseminating health awareness. Clinical pharmacists are also responsible for contributing to the growing knowledge of human health through research. The Faculty of Pharmacy promotes an environment of mutual respect and collaboration with high ethical standards. We instill the key values of integrity and responsibility; quality and productivity at all levels of teaching, patient care and research. I am extremely thankful to Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy, Prof. Nahed El-Enany for her unlimited support and encouragement and for Prof. Manal Eid, Vice-Dean of Graduates Affairs, for the motivation and continuous improvements.

Assoc. Prof. Khalid Bashir Selim

Director of the Pharm D Program


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شارع الجمهورية - المنصورة - محافظة الدقهلية

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