- يارا محمد سليمان
Mechanisms for attracting immigrants

Mechanisms for attracting immigrants
1- Marketing of new graduate programs with credit hours system.
2- Marketing the clinical pharmacy program through brochures and student guide.
3- Allocating a separate paragraph to honor international students in the annual student graduation party, provided that their families are invited free of charge to participate in the party.
4- Marketing for quality programs in postgraduate studies, such as the Pharm D, the Clinical Nutrition Diploma, the Quality Control Diploma and Pharmacological Analysis.
5- Participation in the People’s Day, which is held annually under the auspices of the university administration, and announcing the various college programs in it.
6- Allocating an academic advisor to international students in the regular program, as well as the clinical pharmacy program.
7- Maximizing the role of an office for expatriates in the college to work on:
• Coordination with the university's foreigners administration to solve the problems of international students.
• Introducing new students to the internal regulations for the undergraduate and postgraduate studies in order to familiarize themselves with the academic system of the college, through the academic advisor.
• Making a permanent and continuous inventory of new students, graduates, as well as enrolled students, as the number of students is an important indicator for identifying and addressing the college's shortcomings.
8- Activating the International Relations Office to work on:
• Follow-up on the conclusion of agreements with foreign and Arab countries in the fields of student exchange
• Providing opportunities for field training for international students.
• Providing opportunities for clinical training for international students.
9- Granting the first incoming student in the clinical pharmacy program a financial reward.
10- Making a "Tutorial" in some study subjects for stumbling students in agreement with those in charge of teaching in some subjects they need to do so.
11- Conducting intensive English language lectures for new students arriving at the college.
12. Adding a link to the College's Expatriates Office website to the College of Pharmacy's website
13. Translating the Student Handbook and the regulations for all study programs into English and adding them to the college website
14. Holding periodic social meetings with international students and taking recreational trips to integrate international students into society.
15- Marketing of the distinguished college programs through advertisements on social networking sites.