University of Tsukuba Scholarships for International Students in Japan, 2021-2022

The University calls for additional recruitment in April for application for privately-financed international students who wish to receive scholarships through university recommendation for the 2021-22 academic year.
The University collectively calls for applicants for next year's scholarships through university recommendation once a year in July of the previous year, however, this is additional recruitment exclusively for new students who were admitted and students who were taking a leave of absence last July. The above-mentioned students are strongly encouraged to apply this time after carefully reading the Application Guide.


Among international students holding a status of residence of “Student”, undergraduate, graduate and research students are eligible to apply.


Students who will be taking a temporary leave of absence from the university in AY 2021-22

Students who are expected to receive any scholarships or grants (including those covering living expenses) in AY 2021-22

Students who will continue to receive their current scholarship in AY 2021-22

Application period

Thursday, April 1 2021~Wednesday April 14 2021

Submit to

Your affiliated education organization (Academic service office: student support)(Academic service office: student support)

*Eligible students are strongly recommended to apply. Regardless of the reason, those who do not apply this time are NOT able to be a candidate for a scholarship through university recommendation for AY 2021-22. If you have a question, please ask the Academic Service Office or the Division of Student Exchange. (University Hall Building C, 9P210).

For more details: click here


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