Unit manager word

Speech of the unit director Dr. Mona Farouk Al-Naqiti

Quality in our world today is a necessary requirement for every educational institution that aspires to achieve leadership and excellence in performance and competition in a world brimming with modern and rapid changes with the requirements of the labor market. Hence the role of the Quality Assurance Unit at the Faculty of Pharmacy - Mansoura University, its goals and mission, in order to meet the requirements of academic accreditation. Quality - the College of Pharmacy is to enable the college to achieve its mission and objectives by adopting the principles of total quality in all administrative, academic and financial processes, and setting indicators for measuring and evaluating performance, as well as developing and implementing study plans and programs that ensure achieving high levels of performance, productivity and self-correction in the educational, administrative and organizational fields and technical. The effort made by the Quality Assurance Unit aims to improve the quality of performance in the field of education, learning, scientific research and training to reach a distinguished graduate who meets the requirements of the labor market at the local and regional levels. In order to advance the Faculty of Pharmacy - Mansoura University to the ranks of global and advanced educational institutions, the Quality Assurance Unit at the Faculty of Pharmacy - Mansoura University seeks to move forward towards the application of systems and standards for quality of university education, development and continuous improvement and building the student’s personality to reach a distinguished graduate. And a competitor in the labor market, not only locally and regionally, but also internationally.

God bless and help.....

Dr. Mona Farouk Al-Naqiti - Director of the Quality Assurance Unit

Curriculum Vitae

Accreditation certificates

Quality Assurance Unit

Quality Assurance Unit

National Authority for Education Quality Assurance

Al-Farabi for Learning Quality Management

Egypt Prize
For government excellence

مواقع ذات صلة

خريطة الوصول

بيانات الاتصال

شارع الجمهورية - المنصورة - محافظة الدقهلية

 2246253 050


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