Curriculum Structure and Contents

Curriculum Structure and Contents:

  • The Faculty of Pharmacy implements the credit hours system. A credit hour represents an hour of lecture (L), two hours of practical or tutorial (P/T) classes or three hours of clinical rotation (CR) a week for a period of 15 weeks including final exams.
  • The candidate gains his Pharm D degree (professional master degree) after 50 credit hours of study and it can be completed in 2 years.
  • The candidate should study at least 28 credit hours of graduate courses over one academic year divided into 2 semesters (14 credit hours/semester) and the courses carry the code [PP–PDP-200]. These courses include 12 credit hours of obligatory required courses and 2 credit hours of elective course for each semester.
  • The candidate is required to spend a number of 6 clinical rotations in which each rotation equal to 3 credit hours/week (12 credit hours for the 3rd semester and 6 credit hours for the 4th semester), in addition to perform a graduation project in the 4th semester (4 credit hours) in a subject assigned by the supervision committee, endorsed by the Pharm D program committee, and the faculty council.


Program Admission Requirements        

  •  The candidate should hold a Bachelor degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences from a faculty of pharmacy in/or outside Egypt recognized by the Supreme Council of Universities with minimum general grade of "Good". Candidates having Diploma in the area of specialty or who are graduated from clinical pharmacy programs are preferred. It is possible to enroll foreign students with general grade "Good".
  • The candidate should be available for study at least 2 days per week for the 1st and 2nd semesters and 4 days per week for the 3rd and 4th semesters throughout the duration of study.
  • The program committee starts the registration process for the candidate after the acceptance announcement.
  • The candidate should follow postgraduate rules of by-law for credit hours (2014) of Faculty of Pharmacy-Mansoura University.


Regulations for progression and program completion


  • The minimum duration of time to gain the Pharm D degree is 2 years from the date of enrollment for the degree and the student should obtain not less than 2.00 CGPA upon graduation.
  • The maximum duration of time to gain the Pharm D degree is 4 years from the date of enrollment, putting in consideration the periods of enrollment suspension. It is possible to extend this period up to two years (one year at a time) based on a request from the candidate's major supervisor, a suggestion from the Pharm D committee council and the committee of graduate studies & research and the approval of the faculty council. The final decision should be endorsed by the university council of graduate studies & research.
  • During the clinical rotations, the students are evaluated in practical exercises and scientific activities through the presentation of patients’ cases and exams for a short research presentation which is evaluated by the academic supervisor.
  • Student is not allowed to pass to clinical training unless he successfully completed and passed 75% of the studied courses or what equivalent to 21 credit hours.
  • In the case of the failing in some courses, the student is allowed to register in the summer semester.

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شارع الجمهورية - المنصورة - محافظة الدقهلية

 2246253 050

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