Immunology & Regenerative Medicine

imunologyImmunology & Regenerative Medicine(IRM)


International accreditation of the quality of courses and obtaining a joint certificate between Mansoura University and European and American universities signed a cooperation agreement with Mansoura University. 


Preparation of researchers and practitioners capable of global competition in the field of immunology and regenerative medicine.


  1. Graduation of practitioners and researchers able to acquire scientific and technical skills to control the handling of stem cells in the laboratory and provide appropriate conditions for their transfer to patients, which will have a positive impact on human health and community development as well as the development of different medical drugs. This in turns will positively affect the production and push the economy, in addition to providing a sounding scientific base for research at the university.
  2. Spreading the culture of open distance learning to allow the largest number of researchers globally to study.
  3. Attracting graduate students and exchanging cultures and science with the countries of the Nile basin, African countries and the Middle East.
  4. Preparing internationally trained candidates who can implement the distance learning system in different scientific fields.
  5. Developing the resources of the Faculty and the University. 

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بيانات الاتصال

شارع الجمهورية - المنصورة - محافظة الدقهلية

 2246253 050

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