الهدف الرئيسى لجائزة مصر للتميز الحكومى السنوية هو تحفيز روح التنافس والتميز على مستوى الموظفين من جهة، وعلى مستوى المؤسسات الحكومية من جهة أخرى. ويتم تكريم المتميزين في أداء الخدمات العامة تكريماً معنوياً ومادياً مما يرسخ قيم العطاء والانتماء والتميز، ويحفز الجميع على الارتقاء بمستويات الأداء والالتزام بمعايير الجودة والتميز.

students Union

A decision is issued by the university president to determine the detailed dates for the student union elections
 A person who applies for candidacy to membership in the committees of federal councils must meet the following conditions:
To be of Egyptian nationality.
To be of good character and good reputation.
To be a regular student new to his band, and he is not staying to return to it for any reason.
To have paid the union fee.
To be a member of the noticeable activity in the field of work of the committee in which he is nominating himself.
He should not have previously been subjected to disciplinary judgments.
The application for candidacy shall be in writing by editing a form prepared by the university for this, and the application for candidacy shall be submitted to the Student Welfare Office of the College in return for a receipt bearing a serial number.

مواقع ذات صلة

خريطة الوصول

بيانات الاتصال

شارع الجمهورية - المنصورة - محافظة الدقهلية

 2246253 050


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