الخدمات التي يقدمها معمل كيمياء الحاسوب والنمذجة الجزيئية
أولا: خدمات للمرحلة الجامعية ( Undergraduate Students)
- Construct computational model of a molecule
- Dihedral angel calculation of a molecule
- Energy minimization of amolecule
- Drug receptor interaction
- Other Topics
ثانيا: خدمات لمرحلة الدراسات العليا (Post Graduate Students)
- Development, analysis and prediction of biological activityof compounds
- Predictive modeling for the evaluation of ADMET propertiesof molecules and prediction of its synthetic availability
- Development of 2D&3DQSARstudies
- Molecular docking for characterization of small molecules in thebinding site
- Molecular design of novelcompounds.
- Simulations for compound-enzyme interactions.
- Other Topics