Department mession&Vession

Department mession
The Analytical Chemistry Department aims to provide students with information and practical skills that qualify them to identify chemicals and conduct pharmaceutical analyzes of medicines in pharmaceutical preparations and biological fluids, as well as analyzes of water and various foodstuffs. The department also aims to raise the level of scientific research in the areas of drug control, As well as upgrading its role in community service.
Department vession
The Department of Analytical Chemistry seeks to keep abreast of recent developments in the methods of pharmaceutical analysis using advanced analytical devices and follow-up of modern scientific periodicals so that the department can provide a good service to society in the field of drug manufacturing and drug control. The department also seeks to occupy a distinguished position among the college departments in the various fields of teaching As well as achieving excellence in social relations at all levels within the department.

مواقع ذات صلة

خريطة الوصول

بيانات الاتصال

شارع الجمهورية - المنصورة - محافظة الدقهلية

 2246253 050

عدد الزيارات
زيارات اليوم فقط