
From the Quality Assurance Unit, there are 9 specialized committees to achieve quality standards, which are:
Strategic Plan Committee
Meetings with relevant parties and personal interviews with some officials
Questionnaires and field surveys
Determine strengths and weaknesses.
Identification of stakeholders (beneficiaries).
Develop and follow up the executive plan for the design of the strategic plan.
Update the vision and mission every 5 years.
Statistics available in the college (human-material resources)
  Self-study committee and annual report
  • Implementation and follow-up of the approved action plan.
    Distribution of forms and forms prepared by the committee
    Data collection and analysis.
    Preparing documents for self-study in cooperation with the Statistics Unit
internal audit committee
Review the reports of the self-study committee and the annual report of the college
Evaluate the indicators used in the standards and their outputs
Review the submitted documents and confirm their credibility and approval
Reviewing the future work plan, including its proposals and implementation mechanisms
Ensure that the necessary adjustments are made to the revised reports
Ensure that all reports approved by the relevant committees are approved
Curriculum and Curriculum Committee
Description and study of the compatibility of educational programs for undergraduate students with the mission and goals of the college
Verifying the targeted learning outcomes of the study programs through questionnaires, feedback and examination results.
Reviewing and updating programs and courses and comparing them with reference standards.
Suggesting appropriate teaching and learning patterns for the programmes.
Periodic review of the teaching and learning strategy.
Develop appropriate policies to address education problems.
Update student assessment methods
Postgraduate Programs Committee
Description and compatibility of educational programs for graduate students with the mission and goals of the college
Verifying the intended learning outcomes of graduate programs through questionnaires, feedback, and examination results.
Reviewing and updating programs and courses and comparing them with reference standards.
Suggesting appropriate teaching and learning patterns for the programmes.
Periodic review of the teaching and learning strategy.
Develop appropriate policies to address education problems.
Update student assessment methods
 Human Resources Training and Qualification Committee

  • Evil culture of quality among faculty members and college staff.
    Holding conferences, symposiums and workshops related to evaluating and developing performance and the importance of quality assurance in the college.
    Setting professional development programs for faculty members and their assistants in the areas of evaluating the academic program and courses, developing curricula, teaching methods, examinations, and conducting self-study.
    Preparing, implementing, following up and evaluating internship plans
    Preparing and developing training programs according to needs
    Develop continuous training and qualification programs for workers in educational departments such as libraries, warehouses and secretaries
Questionnaire Committee
Determine the schedule of the work plan.
Preparing survey forms to comply with the required standards
Conducting statistics and identifying samples based on various criteria according to the numbers of the college
Analyzing the results of the survey forms in cooperation with the annual self-report preparation committee
Departmental Quality Assurance Unit Coordinators Committee
Continuous contact with the unit, informing the department council members of the unit's activities, and collecting their reactions towards these activities.
Distributing and compiling questionnaires for the unit to members of the department council.
Raise the complaints of the department council members, their assistants and technicians regarding the quality assurance unit to the unit manager.
Quality work follow-up committee
This committee is concerned with following up the implementation of the tasks and work of the quality committees, which include:
An inventory of all the committees that serve and participate in the quality work of the college
Submit continuous reports on the work of the established committees to the director of the insurance unit, in preparation for submitting them to the dean of the college, to see the progress of work in them and the studies and recommendations they reach.
Emphasis on the completeness of quality files and providing them with documents and information that help them in studying issues related to the committee's tasks.
This unit is responsible for following up the unit’s participation in the internal and external committees in terms of attendance, the recommendations issued by them and the minutes taken therein.
Committee formations

 2020 /2019 




 2016 / 2015 

  2015 / 2014  

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