Dean of the College

Speech by Dean College

Speech by Prof. Dr. Manal Mohamed Ibrahim Eid

Dean of the College

My dear sons and daughters,My dear sons and daughters, Hello and welcome to the Faculty of Pharmacy - Mansoura University, this great edifice that was established since 1971, in which the Faculty of Pharmacy was distinguished from other faculties by outstanding performance and continuous development in the field of educational process and scientific researchThe College of Pharmacy is also distinguished by the presence of many faculty members who have obtained many international and local awards, as well as patents. The culture of quality education is always developing and developing, and therefore it has implemented a new regulation in which educational courses are in line with the needs of the labor market.The college is keen to spread health awareness and to confront many health problems and diseases that face members of society through awareness campaigns and medical convoys carried out by our students.We wish God Almighty the continued progress of our college with its distinguished students in all scientific, cultural and sports fields. We hope for their continuous cooperation with the faculty members and all the administrative elements of the college for the continuous advancement of the educational and research process in the college and to provide the best educational and other services in order to graduate human cadres with high and distinguished experience. In the field of pharmaceutical industry and community service.I ask all my students, my sons and daughters, to adhere to good morals and correct behavior, and four things, if they are available, will make your religious and worldly affairs right, which are: - mastering work - fear of God - cooperation - tolerance

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