Training And Research Services Office

Faculity Of Pharmacy Mansoura University


Vision and Mission of the office

Raising the level of research skills of faculty members and post graduate students at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Mansoura University, to prepare researchers at an internationally competitive level to contribute to the advancement of the college and university classification among local and international universities.


Leadership and excellence in scientific research and research activities at the local and global levels more.



Raising the level of research skills of faculty members and post graduate students at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Mansoura University  more .

Director's word

Scientific research in its general sense is an organized human behavior that aims to investigate the validity of information or hypothesis  more


Announcements and workshops

The Office of Training and Research Services at the Faculty of Pharmacy - Mansoura University aims to provide awareness and scientific education for researchers by providing workshops, seminars and lectures (Online - Off line).

Office Goals

Achieving research excellence for the college to achieve global leadership - Providing a stimulating research environment for researchers (especially the novices among them) - Contributing to building a knowledge society and achieving sustainable development priorities

Office Structure

Prof. Khaled Bashir Shaaban Selim - Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Research (Head of the Office) - Prof. Weam Nabil El-Sayed - Assistant Professor in the Department of Pharmacology (Director)

Training activities

Software that serves everything related to scientific research and the fields of pharmacy

Organizing training workshops

All fields of pharmacy, especially clinical nutrition and infection control.

Basics of scientific writing

How to write scientifically right and avoid linguistic citations

Scientific research

Every thimg related to scientific research that contributes to reaching the research point

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presentation skills

All about different presentation skills in conferences, discussion and others

Auxiliary software

Auxiliary software such as reference programs and spectral analysis processing

All about biostatistics

Concerning the various scientific departments such as advanced measurement methods (PCR, primer design, western blotting), as well as molecular modeling and others according to the requirements of researchers.


Research Activities

Introducing researchers to all aspects of the research paper

Introducing researchers to internationally accredited international journals

Introducing researchers to how to publish internationally

Familiarize yourself with all the rules for promotions to the degrees of assistant professor and professor.

Total quality standards in university education

Introducing researchers to how to apply for competitive research projects

How to build and manage research teams

Scientific research skills such as searching for a research topic.

- Familiarizing yourself with the worlds of Scopus and WoS in the classification of scientific journals.

Getting to know the electronic identity as Citation and H index

Introduce researchers to the general rules of ethics for scientific research

Introducing researchers to everything related to literary larceny (plagiarism).

Statistical analysis courses for scientific research

Managing research references electronically, Endnote & Mendeley

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Contact us

El Gomhoria Street - Mansoura - Dakahlia Governorate

 2246253 050

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