Vice Dean for Education and Students Affairs

Head of Microbiology and Immunology Department
My sons and daughters at the Faculty of Pharmacy- Mansoura University, I took the opportunity at the beginning of the academic year 2020/2019 to congratulate all students in particular new students in the first university year in your life and also commended your choice of the profession of pharmacy to be the future pharmacists who will take the responsibility of the advancement of the homeland to bring our beloved Egypt to the forefront among the nations of modern civilizations. The university is a platform for science and a edifice of knowledge in your beloved country, Egypt. Today, you are supervised by a group of qualified professors to continue your education and continue your career with success and graduation.
First level students that you are moving from a period of control, supervision and guidance in the home and school in one way or another, to a stage where you have more freedom, and this freedom must be accompanied by a greater sense of responsibility to achieve the desired development of your abilities Creation and creativity. You will find that the role of the university does not depend on the teaching of the available information, but the role of the university is to give you the ability to search for information and the ability, skills and thought necessary to collect knowledge throughout your extended and successful career, God willing. I recommend you to attend the lectures regularly and also invite you to pay attention to student activities through the student’s welfare office because of their great impact in the formation and building of the student's personality and the development of his abilities to achieve benefits.
My sons and daughters, I pray to God that everyone will succeed and that your studies in the College will be fruitful, successful and full of happy memories. God grants success.

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