About Us

The committee of education and student affairs abides to continues development of curricula and widening the student activities & services to promote the students’ level to the expectations of beneficiaries. 
Strategic Goals
Continues development of curricula to match with the most recent updates in the pharmaceutical sciences.
Spreading the culture of quality assurance among students 
Increasing the activities and services for students
Widening the concept of using e-learning
Revising the programs and curricula to match the academic standards 
Developing the evaluation tools and using electronic exams
Regular questionnaire to students and beneficiaries of the education process.
Developing and effective use of Academic guiding programs 
Preparation of the student’s guide and updating it to involve all the activities and services
Educational System
The Universities Supreme Council decides the number of accepted students holding Egyptian or non-Egyptian secondary school degree at the end of each academic year based on recommendation from different universities. 
In addition, the Council decides on the number of non-Egyptian nationals accepted with a condition that they don’t exceed 10% of the Egyptian nationals. 
Criteria for enrolling students in the University
Holding a secondary school degree or what is equivalent and considering the geographical distribution.
Passing a medical exam that proves student doesn’t have any contagious diseases and qualified to continue his studies.
Certificate of approval from student’s workplace if he is an employee.
Well Reputation 
Students are only accepted through the Universities Enrollment office for secondary school graduates (No acceptance of Universities graduate since academic year 2003/2004) 

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Contact us

El Gomhoria Street - Mansoura - Dakahlia Governorate

 2246253 050


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