Notice Board

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Program Director's word
Dr.. Marwa Salah El Dahan
My sons and daughters, students of the Faculty of Pharmacy - Mansoura University, I would like to congratulate you on the beginning of the new academic year, wishing you a successful and happy academic year.
Dear students of the Clinical Pharmacy Program, I am pleased and honored to be with you in this program, which belongs to this prestigious institution, which has set its sights on educating students, providing them with knowledge and science, broadening their perceptions, unleashing their energies, enhancing their spirit of scientific research, and teaching them leadership and creativity, while adhering to the rules of good morals. In light of the new challenges that the world is going through, the most important of which is the strong competition in the local and global labor market, which is satisfied only with qualified specialists with capabilities to meet this challenge and capable of creativity and development. The Clinical Pharmacy Program was keen to apply all quality standards to achieve its goals, namely graduating a clinical pharmacist familiar with all The requirements of the profession and with the latest branches of clinical pharmacology in a way that qualifies the graduate to actively participate in the health care system. The clinical pharmacy program seeks to build the student’s balanced personality through academic excellence and provide all the various activities (cultural, artistic and sports) that develop their creativity and push them towards excellence and innovation to build a successful and distinguished society.

I hope that God Almighty will grant you success and crown your efforts with success, and that your studies in the program will be successful.

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