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two workshops NMR Spectroscopy from Scratch- ‏NMR Technologies in Drug Discovery

The MRI unit at the Faculty of Pharmacy - Mansoura University has the honor to present two workshops entitled:
📣First workshop (1 day):
‏ NMR Spectroscopy from Scratch
📣Second workshop (1 day):
‏NMR Technologies in Drug Discovery
Supervision and training of:
✅Mr. Dr. Hussein Al-Sabbagh … Professor of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Director of the Magnetic Resonance Unit - Faculty of Pharmacy - Mansoura University.
✅millimeter. Mohamed Amir … Assistant Lecturer of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Magnetic Resonance Specialist - Faculty of Pharmacy - Mansoura University.
✅millimeter. Omnia Wali … Assistant Lecturer of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Magnetic Resonance Specialist - Faculty of Pharmacy - Mansoura University.
✅s. Esraa Atta … Pharmacist and Magnetic Resonance Specialist in the Magnetic Resonance Unit - Faculty of Pharmacy - Mansoura University.
Which will be held within the activities of the Third International Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences “MU-Pharm 2022” “Future trends in pharmacy”.
☑️Topics covered:
🔴NMR Spectroscopy from Scratch
🔹Interpret NMR spectra to identify organic compounds
🔹Sample preparation, instrumental demonstration
🔹Understand NMR (1H, 13C, 1D and 2D) spectroscopic techniques
🔹Practice study of interpretation of spectra of selected medicinal active compounds
🔴NMR Technologies in Drug Discovery
🔹Investigation the NMR characteristics of macromolecule
🔹NMR methods for detecting macromolecule-ligand binding
🔹NMR based drug discovery strategies (SAR by NMR, Shapes, NMR- SOLVE)
📣Subscription price for one workshop:
🔸300 EGP (in the case of early registration - maximum 22/7/2022)
🔸400 EGP (in case of late registration - maximum 5/8/2022)
📣In case of registering for both workshops, the subscription price will be:
🔸500 EGP (in case of early registration - maximum 22/7/2022)
🔸600 EGP (in case of late registration - maximum 5/8/2022)
📣Note: You can attend online

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