Previous unit activities


  This service is designed to make all courses available on the unit's Moodle program, through which many educational resources for the course are displayed, whether they are "texts - presentations - videos - interactive activities - electronic tests - important links - ... other" and provide communication between Faculty and students through forums and dialogue rooms

      Request to create a page from here   


Repository of previous exams

This service is designed to facilitate students' access to previous exams. This repository represents a database of previous exams that can be searched by college and department, the name of the doctor of the subject, or the exam year. And the service is constantly being updated, and we will try successively to add model answers to those exams if they are available to us.



coursesThe e-learning unit works on converting entire academic courses or converting one or more elements of the course into an electronic form and provides content in different forms (texts, graphics, images, static and animated forms, and video clips), interactive educational simulations and virtual reality.

electronic gate
Electronic links are uploaded to scientific and educational resources such as (presentation, flash, video, books and scientific journals,...etc), which enable the student to benefit from them during the study process and serve students of the regular system, clinical pharmacy program and graduate students


Mans-tubeScientific events such as (lectures, seminars, workshops, conferences) are uploaded and displayed, which enables the student to view them at any time and repeat them as they wish. The site contains many lectures for different educational teams and an explanation of many student laboratories.


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