Courses and Workshops
Course "Description of the Bachelor of Pharmacy Program and Courses, Pharm D Regulation - Credit Hour System" 2020
Strategic Planning Course for Higher Education Institutions 2018
Course "Quality of performance in scientific departments" 2021
Workshop "The Matrix of Courses and Its Corresponding National Academic Reference Standards for the Pharmaceutical Sector - Second Edition 2019
Course "Programmatic Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions" for Leaders 2021
Preparation workshops for submission to the Egypt Award for Governmental Excellence - the second cycle
Workshop "Question Bank and Electronic Tests" 2020
Workshop "Exam Vocabulary Preparation" 2020
Course "Self-evaluation of educational programs - colleges and institutes of higher education" 2019
A series of courses and workshops to "train new teaching assistants on quality concepts and mechanisms on the sidelines of qualifying new teaching assistants" 2021
Description of courses on the Pharm D list
Description of courses on the Outcome Based Learning system