Sector Overview

the message
The Education and Student Affairs Committee is committed to the continuous development of programs and curricula and the expansion of student services and activities to raise the level of the student to the expectations of the beneficiaries and to gain the trust of the community.
strategic goals:
Continuous updating of programs and curricula to keep pace with the latest developments in pharmaceutical sciences.
Spreading a culture of quality in teaching and learning among students.
Continuous maximization of student activities and services.
Expand the use of electronic curricula and exams.
Continuously reviewing programs and curricula to conform to academic standards.
Developing methods of evaluating students and using electronic exams.
Periodic questionnaires for students and beneficiaries to evaluate the educational process.
Developing and activating the academic advising program.
Preparing and updating the Student Handbook to include all student activities and services.
study system
At the end of each academic year, the Supreme Council of Universities determines the number of students from the Arab Republic of Egypt who are accepted in each college or institute in the following academic year, based on the proposal of the university councils, after taking the opinion of the councils of the different faculties, from among those who have obtained a high school diploma or equivalent certificates.
Taking into account the conditions eligible for admission to each college, the Supreme Council of Universities determines the number of students who are accepted by non-sons of the Arab Republic of Egypt. A decision is issued for their acceptance by the Minister of Higher Education. The number of accepted students from the Arab Republic of Egypt.
It is required for a student to register at the university to obtain a BA or BA:
To have a high school diploma or its equivalent, and to be accepted in the order of passing grades, taking into account the geographical distribution, as decided by the Supreme Council of Universities and after taking the opinion of the university and college councils.
The medical examination must prove that it is free from infectious diseases and that it is fit to continue the study for which it is applied in accordance with the rules set by the Supreme Council of Universities and Colleges Councils.
He must submit a certificate proving that he obtained a license to attend studies from the entity in which he works, if he is employed by the government or others.
To be a character and good reputation.
Admission to the college is limited to students who have obtained a high school diploma only through the Universities Admission Coordination Office. Admission to students with higher qualifications from all colleges and people is suspended from joining the college as of the academic year 2003/2004.

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