research plan

Research field
Exploitation of various natural resources (vegetable - animal - microbial and their products) to obtain natural products with the aim of using these products in the treatment of diseases that spread in the Egyptian environment by following scientific protocols.
Research topics such as:-
Hepatic cirrhosis inhibitors
Antimicrobial and antiparasitic.
Anti-cancer agents.
Treatment of excess fat on the liver (greasy liver).
Treatment of iron overload in hepatocytes
Improving the performance of the gastrointestinal tract
Increasing the effectiveness and absorption of currently available drugs for the treatment of various diseases.
Alzheimer's disease treatment/discovery of cholinesterase inhibitors.
Research field:-
Biotechnology research:
Conducting biological experiments simultaneous with the chemical separation to ensure the effectiveness of the compounds previously identified.
Preparation of derivatives from natural materials by chemical or biological transformations.
Increasing the percentage of the active substance in plants or natural sources using modern techniques (tissue culture and cloning).
Using nanotechnology techniques to improve the effectiveness of the discovered materials.
Using stem cell techniques with natural materials to improve the performance of infected or fibrosis liver cells.
The use of natural compounds that improve the performance of disease-causing genes or reduce the harmful effect on genes.
Optimal exploitation of natural materials as raw materials for the preparation of compounds or derivatives thereof of economic value.
Research topics such as:-
 Rice straw (cellulose and various sugars and medicinal bread helps in weight loss).
Molasses and sugar cane residues (citric acid and some organic compounds).
Corn kernel.
Marine crusts (glucose amine).
Juice residues (lemon peel, tangerine peel, orange peel).
Meat factory waste
Use biological transformations to get rid of pollutants.
Research areas
 The department conducts research either through master's or doctoral theses or research projects.
 Research areas
 1- Chemical studies of medicinal plants:
  In these studies, the active substances are separated and identified from some plants with medicinal uses and plants that are mentioned in folk medicine.
 2- Botanical studies:
 In these studies, the phenotypic and anatomical characteristics of medicinal plants are determined so that researchers can identify and identify plants in their various forms.
 3- Biological studies:
 In these studies, a comprehensive biological survey of the effectiveness is carried out, whether for whole or partial plant extracts, or for separated substances in their pure form, which contributes to the discovery of some biological activities and new drugs, such as: -
Anti-parasites and anti-microbials.
Gastrointestinal diseases such as antacids, stomach ulcers, cirrhosis of the liver and its various pathological conditions.
Urinary system disinfectants and stone solvents.
4- Biotechnology studies:
 The department has developed research in the field of biotechnology studies by establishing a mini biological unit for this purpose. Through this, the department carries out many researches in the following fields:
 Biological transformations using microbes:

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