Participation in the “Open Publishing” (OA) summit between STDF, EKB and Springer Nature.

You can participate in the Open Publishing Agreement  '  online to learn more about the OA between280894619 769861751033499 4600074950944300808 n the STDF, EKB and Springer Nature. At this summit, you will learn how to apply for an OA and the STDF will explain the review process in detail. It is worth noting that more than 150 Egyptian institutions are in the transfer agreement between Springer Nature and the Science, Technology and Innovation Funding Authority (STDF) in cooperation with the Egyptian Knowledge Bank (EKB).

The summit will address several themes, the most important of which are:-

Why are researchers in Egypt funded to access free publication?

Why publish free with Springer Nature

- How to publish with Springer Nature

How to apply for OA funding by STDF.

Summit date: May 30, 2022 at 10 am

To register through the following link:-

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