Acceptance of research proposals for the years (2023-2025) between the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology and the China National Natural Science Foundation

 Projects and research proposals

 Within the framework of the scientific cooperation protocol between the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology and the Chinese National Foundation for Natural Sciences, the Academy is pleased to announce the acceptance of research proposals for the years (2023-2025 ) , in accordance with the following conditions and requirements, and areas of cooperation during the agreement with the institution that must be submitted during this announcement. :

Earth Science279898357 767711071248567 2911780112695244316 n

Life Science related areas:


 Agriculture and crop science

  Plant protection

 Animal husbandry


Areas of cooperation within the framework of international cooperation for sustainable sustainable development (SDIC) in cooperation with the Foundation within the framework of the United Nations Belt and Road Initiative in the following areas:
1. Interconnections between water, food, and ecosystem security
2. Ecological approaches to achieve carbon neutrality
3. Global changes and environmental disaster risks in “silk road” economic zone

Researchers wishing to participate in the program must register online on the following website

Important terms:

  • The application form on the website must be adhered to, specifying the program through which the project is submitted
  • Within the framework of the Belt and Road, the applicant must send an English copy of the research project to the Chinese side
  • The duration of each project is 36 months
  • The amount of funding allocated to each project is 450 thousand pounds (150 thousand pounds / year), 50% consumables and publications, 35% travel tickets for Egyptian researchers, and 15% expenses for hosting Chinese researchers in Egypt.
  • The advanced researcher should not have more than one project funded by the Academy in any of the Academy's programs.
  • Both the Egyptian researcher and the Chinese researcher must submit the research proposal within the same time frame for the announcement, each on the respective website.
  • It is necessary to attach a letter from the Egyptian research authority approving the progress of the project, as well as the stamp and signature of the first page of the project from the Egyptian and Chinese sides.
  • The principal investigator and the alternate researcher of the research team must belong to the same university or research center, and as for the rest of the team members, they may belong to different parties.
  • The principal investigator and the alternate researcher must have at least a Ph.D. degree when applying for the project
  • Private universities accredited in the Arab Republic of Egypt are allowed to apply for this announcement, just like public universities.

The deadline for submitting research proposals is June 20, 2022.

For more information, please contact the following e-mail:
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