Start accepting research proposals for the years 2022-2023 for the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in cooperation with the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology

The Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, in cooperation with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, announces the start of accepting 268566871 675164613836547 6917499344404599133 nresearch proposals for the years 2022-2023, which the Academy will finance in cooperation with the Bulgarian side according to the following terms and conditions:

Proposals are accepted in the following areas:

  • Information and communication sciences and technology
  • Energy resources and energy efficiency
  • Nanosciences, new materials and technologies
  • Biomedicine and quality of life
  • Biodiversity, biological resources and the environment
  • Climate change, hazards and natural resources
  • Astronomy, space research and technologies
  • Historical cultural heritage and national identity
  • man and society

This agreement is valid for a period of 24 months, and the Academy finances each project at an amount of 150,000 pounds annually, provided that the budget is divided into 70% for travel tickets and accommodation in Bulgaria for Egyptian researchers, 30% for chemicals, consumables and publishing, and researchers wishing to participate in the program must register online on the following site:

Submission conditions:

  • Any papers received without the electronic link mentioned above will not be accepted.
  • The Egyptian Principal Investigator and the alternate researcher for the research team must belong to the same university or research center. As for the rest of the team members, they may belong to different parties.
  • The Egyptian researcher and the Bulgarian researcher must submit the proposal within the same time frame, each in its own part.
  • It is necessary to attach a letter from the Egyptian research authority approving the progress of the project, as well as stamping the first page of the project from the Egyptian and Bulgarian sides.
  • Private universities accredited in the Arab Republic of Egypt are allowed, in the same way as public universities.
  • Accepted researchers will be notified of their projects on the e-mail received from them.
  • The deadline for submitting research proposals for the Egyptian side is  February 15, 2022.

For more information, please contact the e-mail: 

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