An online seminar to introduce the grants provided by the Fulbright Authority in Egypt for research and study in the United States of America (2)

Under the patronage of Prof. Ashraf Abdel Basset, President of Mansoura University and the leadership of Prof. Ashraf Tarek Hafez, Vice President for Graduate Studies 275753370 492879602544954 8613441675746177853 nand Research, the Office of International Relations, in cooperation with the American Fulbright Commission, has the honor to invite the faculty members, the supporting staff and students at Mansoura University To attend an online lecture to introduce the grants provided by the Fulbright Commission in Egypt for research and study in the United States of America.
And that will be on Sunday, March 20 at 5 pm, through the Zoom program
 Attend the seminar through the following link:


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