About Us

Section Message
Disseminate basic knowledge in microbiology, microbial genetics, immunology, parasitology, biotechnology, microbial diseases and their treatment to undergraduate students.
Disseminate basic knowledge in advanced microbiology, molecular biology, industrial biotechnology, and control of sterile pharmaceutical products among graduate students.
Conduct research on pathogenic and immune bacteria, fungi and viruses, and produce important pharmaceutical products
see section
Our vision is to contribute with other departments in the production of highly qualified pharmacists and to be fully aware of the importance of microbiology in many fields. In addition, we look forward to building and developing research programs that help solve societal problems and improve the performance of pharmaceutical companies in quality control and production of pharmaceuticals.

مواقع ذات صلة

خريطة الوصول

بيانات الاتصال

شارع الجمهورية - المنصورة - محافظة الدقهلية

 2246253 050


عدد الزيارات
زيارات اليوم فقط