Extending the application period for the Saudi Arabia Prize for Environmental Management in the Islamic World 2021-2022

The Egyptian National Committee for Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO-ALCO-ISESCO), in cooperation with the Islamic World Educational, Scientific andksa env 1 Cultural Organization (ISESCO),  announces the extension of the nomination  deadline for the current session (2021-2022)  for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Award for Environmental Management in the Islamic World ,  until March 31 2022 , which was scheduled for the end of December 2021, with the aim of providing the opportunity for the largest number of individuals and institutions wishing to run for the award, after the award administration received a large number of letters requesting an extension of the nomination period.

 The  door for nomination for the award, which ISESCO holds as its general secretariat under the supervision of the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia represented by the National Center for Monitoring Environmental Compliance, will continue to be open to those interested from inside and outside the Islamic world, until  the end of next March , in the various branches of the award, where they choose The jury  has three winners in each branch , and the total value of the prize is 195,000 US dollars , to be distributed to the winners in  the first three branches  :

1-  Research branch, achievements and successful practices.
2- The branch of pioneering practices and activities of associations of public interest and civil associations in the member states.
3- The Women’s Entrepreneurial Activities Branch in Environmental Work, which was created in this session, within the framework of ISESCO’s declaration of 2021 as the Year of Women. Women will have three awards in the basic areas of environmental management , which are:
•  The Women's Award for Research, Achievements and Successful Practices.
• The Women's Award in Public Benefit Associations and NGOs.
• The Women's Leadership Award in the private or government sector institutions.
4. The fourth branch of the award (the environmentally friendly green city branch),

This award is a tribute to the  three best cities in the Islamic world that are environmentally friendly  , in support of ISESCO's program  "Celebrating the Capitals of the Islamic World for Environment and Sustainable Development".

This award aims  to encourage and stimulate interest in joint environmental action in the Islamic world, openness to global experiences in protecting the environment from an Islamic perspective, preserving its resources, and addressing sustainable development issues in general by recognizing the advantages of the efforts of individuals and institutions concerned with managing natural resources for the benefit of current generations. and forthcoming.

the conditions: -

•  Fill out the nomination form and apply for the award through the  following link : -
• Submit a detailed CV of the candidate.
• Submitting a written acknowledgment that the submitted work has not received any other awards.
• In the case of group work, a written consent is submitted from all participants to participate in the nominated activity, and the name of the person in whose name the winning reward check is issued.
• Submit a complete file about the nominated activity, including: an identification card for the activity, its features, details of its scientific results, its importance on the components of the environment and sustainable development, its effects at the local or global level, and the possibility of benefiting from it and applying it in member states.
• Works are submitted in Arabic, English or French.
Prizes will be  distributed  to the winners during  the opening session of the Islamic Conference of Environment Ministers , which will be held at its next session  in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia during 2022 .  :-

Which links it directly to the electronic platform dedicated to receiving nomination files and the work of the jury. For more information,  you can contact the Department for Receiving Nominations for the Award in ISESCO at the following electronic addresses :

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