The Faculty of Pharmacy organizes the activities of the eleventh scientific student conference

Proceeding from the great interest the Faculty of Pharmacy - Mansoura University attaches to scientific research, which it considers one of its first priorities and one of its main goals, through which it aspires to achieve its scientific mission in spreading knowledge in addition to teaching and community service. To publish research and studies that they prepare, because this has a great impact on promoting a culture of scientific research among students. The activities of the eleventh student scientific conference for students of faculties of pharmacy were launched, which began on Monday, 7/25/2023 on the Microsoft teams platform  .

With the participation of 7 universities (Mansoura University  -Tanta UniversityAl-Azhar University - New Mansoura National University  - October 6 University -Delta University for Science and Technology - Horus University). And Mrs. Prof. Dr. Rasha Barwa -Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs and Mr. Dr. Khaled Bashir  -Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Research, and Mr. Prof. Dr. Hany Kenawy - Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development

The activities of the conference began with the Republican salutation, then the recitation of some verses of the Holy Qur’an, followed by a video presentation of the college’s previous conferences, which included workshops and the presentation of student research and posters.

After that, the speech of Dr. / Nada Fawzy Ibrahim - a teacher in the Biochemistry Department and (conference rapporteur) came, which was quoted at its beginning by delivering the first opening words of the conference, in which I welcomed Prof. Dr. / Mohamed Attia Al-Bayoumi - Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, the Dean and the Vice Deans And the heads of the scientific departments, I also thanked the organizing committee, headed by Mrs. Dr. Rasha Barwa - Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs and (President of the Conference).  

Dr. Nada Fawzy expressed her great happiness with the participation of students from various faculties of pharmacy at the level of the Republic and emphasized that the Faculty of Pharmacy, Mansoura University has the leadership in organizing the eleventh scientific student conference in a row ,And that the success of the eleventh conference is a clear extension of a series of previous successes.

   Then was the speech of Dr. Samar Samir Tawfiq - a teacher at the Department of Biochemistry and (Secretary of the Conference)  in which she expressed her happiness with the participation of different universities  (Mansoura National University - Tanta University - Al-Azhar University - October 6 University - Delta University for Science and Technology - Horus University - Mansoura University  )

 She also noted that the main objective of the conference is the participation of students in scientific research to increase their research skills and consolidate the concept of scientific culture among them.

Dr. Mirhan Ahmed Nazmy - Assistant Professor in the Department of Medicines and Toxicology and Director of the Immunology and Regenerative Medicine Program spoke about the importance of scientific research with the increasing dependence of countries on it, especially the advanced ones, due to their awareness of its importance in continuing their progress and development. 

Dr. Yusra Muhammad Al-Far - Director of the Pharm D Program and Supervisor of the Diploma in Clinical Nutrition and Clinical Pharmacy delivered a welcome speech to the attendees and expressed her happiness at being present at the opening of the conference. Scientific research in a competitive atmosphere, which contributes to the creation of a generation of young researchers. 

And the words continued to reach Prof. Dr. / Khaled Bashir - Vice Dean for Postgraduate Studies and Research, starting his speech by welcoming the attendees, thanking all those in charge of this distinguished work, headed by Mrs. Dr. Rasha Barwa - Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs, and wished success and payment to all participants in Conference and come up with good recommendations.

The welcome speech continued to reach Prof. Dr. Rasha Barwa - Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs, who thanked the university and college administration for supporting the activities of the conference, and also praised the great role of the conference organizers  .And she stressed that the eleventh student conference of the College of Pharmacy aims to enhance the values ​​of scientific research, creativity and innovation among students, which provides the opportunity to learn research skills in a scientific way, and this is what the college emphasizes during the years of study, noting that the activities of the conference will start today by presenting students Oral Presentations for accepted research Whether  (Practical/Review)To reach 29 participant research from 8 specializations, as well as submitting Posters for arbitration under the supervision of a selection of professor arbitrators in different disciplines in scientific departments, according to unified standards and announced through arbitration forms. The arbitration stage will continue for three days to evaluate all applicants 

 Prof. Dr. Manal Eid - Dean of the Faculty, greeted Prof. Dr. Mohamed Attia Al-Bayoumi, Vice President for Education Affairs, students,  deputies, program managers and all the participating attendees. She also thanked Prof. Dr. Sherif Khater - President of Mansoura University and the university administration . For her continuous support for student and scientific activities, wishing the success of the eleventh edition of the conference for this year, as always. Her Excellency
thanked all the organizers of the conference and noted that the conference discusses and highlights all that is new in the field of pharmaceutical sciences and contributes to the transfer of knowledge and the exchange of ideas and experiences among students from various universities.

At the end of the conference, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Attia Al-Bayoumi, Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, delivered his speech, in which he conveyed the greetings of Prof. Dr. Sherif Khater, President of the University, to the Dean, Vice-Presidents, Program Directors and all attendees. He thanked the conference organizers and arbitration committees as he expressed He was pleased to be present at the conference.

 Dr. Muhammad Attia Al-Bayoumi praised the distinguished organization of the conference and the college's interest in scientific research and student activity, praising the spirit of cooperation that prevails in the college.

It is worth noting that a large team of male and female students participated in the conference, students of the Pharmascol Society, the Student Union, and students of the CSU family, who all participated in managing and organizing the conference, directing the attendees, and caring for the participating students.  Click to enlarge image Screenshot_2023-07-24_094831.png

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