Organized Activities

2017 Activities
Ideal Mothers Honoring Ceremony 18/3/2017
A preparatory symposium for students of the fourth year in (different fields of pharmacy work) on Thursday 9/3/2017
Clinical pharmacy course from 5 - 9/3/2017
2016 activities
A training course to raise the efficiency of technicians and workers in scientific departments in the period from 13-15/11/2016
Symposium on "Obesity, Diabetes and Liver Diseases" on Wednesday 16/11/2016
The Holy Quran Memorization Competition held on 10/24/25/2016
Seminar entitled "Proper Nutrition Pattern for University Students" on 10/17/2016
Induction meeting for new students on Thursday 22/9/2016
Clinical Pharmacy Alumni Ceremony on 29/8/2016
Ceremony of graduates of the Faculty of Pharmacy, batch (42) on 14/8/2016
Labor Day Party 4/28/2016
Ideal Mothers Honoring Ceremony 3/21/2016
 Seminar on "First Aid" on 6/3/2016
Visit of a delegation of students from Al-Huda and Al-Noor Schools on 2/3/2016
2015 activities
Report of the course of technicians and workers in the scientific departments 12/12/2015
Report-on-OTC-fair in the period 24-25/11/2015
A symposium entitled "Early detection of breast tumors on Saturday 21/11/2015
A competition for memorizing the Holy Quran for the year 2015/2016
Orientation meeting for new students
Malaysian Students Graduation Ceremony
Labor Day Party on Monday 3/5/2015
The Fifth Employment Forum during the period from 6 - 8 / 4 / 2015
A workshop entitled “Communication skills and the use of body language
Communication skills and body language on Thursday 19/2/2015 
2014 activities
Workshop on "Biostatistics and Scientific Graphing" on Wednesday 24/12/2014 in Pharco Hall
Seminar on "Educating Students on How to Use Safety and Firefighting Equipment" Saturday 6/12/2014
A workshop on PCR for faculty assistants 
Report on the induction meeting for new students on Tuesday 30/9/2014
Seminar on how to use firefighting equipment
Labor Day Party 30/4/2014
Ideal Mothers Honoring Ceremony on 3/20/2014
Seminar on (The woy Drug Information Center (Dic) on 3/13/2014
2013 activities
Symposium on (Alternative and Complementary Medicine) on 11/12/2013
Seminar on awareness of early detection of breast tumors on 9/12/2013
Seminar on (First Aid Using Reflexology Points in the Human Body) on 27/11/2013
Quran memorization competition on 11/11/2013
Charity market from 22-25/10/2013
A symposium on (distance education) on 10/23/2013
Clinical pharmacy course for students and graduates from 29/9/2013 to 5/10/2013
A course to raise the efficiency of technicians and workers, especially new ones in the gum departments, from 15-17/9/2013
Labor Day party on 4/30/2013
The fourth employment forum in the period from 7 - 9 / 4 / 2013
Ideal Mothers Honoring Ceremony on 3/21/2013
Charity market from 19-26/3/2013
Emergency and Safe Evacuation Plan 3/13/2013
The Holy Quran Memorization Competition 2012
Graduation Ceremony of Batch 2011/2012

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