ا. د. منى شعبان - مدير برنامج الفارم دي والمشرف على برنامجي الصيدلة الاكلينيكية والتعذية الاكلينيكية |
تم إنشاء المكتبة الرقمية ضمن خطة أنشاء المكتبات الرقمية بالجامعة بالتعاون مع الإدارة العامة للمكتبات (إدارة المكتبات الرقمية )، وتم افتتاحها بداية العام 2003، وهى تعتمد في مقتنياتها وخدماتها على الشكل الالكتروني الكامل
Leadership in providing information that benefits the educational and research process, especially electronic services
Work to promote and develop its educational and research services in order to integrate with all the services of the college in order to graduate distinguished pharmacists to meet the needs of the local and regional labor market, and researchers at a competitive level within the framework of academic standards and community values .
Work to serve the beneficiaries of the faculty and their aides as well as students of the study teams as soon as possible to get information and in the easiest way to do so
• Inform beneficiaries of the latest editions of the library through the annual supply service for library holdings
Providing various services to the various raging through the digital library to keep up with the information revolution in the field of pharmaceutical sciences, especially global databases
About the Library
The library was established in 1974, and the actual activity began in 1975, and its first headquarters was in the old building with the establishment of the college and there are three halls and then the library was now moved to the fourth floor of the new building, the library consists of two halls.
The library contains more than 6,000 scientific books, specialized Efrangia references, 50 specialized scientific periodicals, more than 700 master's letters and 400 Doctoral thesis.
About the Digital Library
The digital library was established as part of the university's digital library construction plan in collaboration with the General Department of Libraries (Digital Library Department), and opened at the beginning of 2003, and depends on its holdings and services in full electronic form.
The library records the knowledge of faculty and graduate members to add their own scientific research through the following sites:
Pharmacology - Pharmaceuticals - Microbiology - Analytical Chemistry - Biochemistry - Medical Organic Chemistry - Pharmacognosy
للعــــــــام الجــــامعي 2022/2023 (دبلومات – Pharm D - ماجستير مهني - الماجستير - الدكتوراه) تعلن كليه الصيدلة - جامعة المنصورة عن فتح باب التقدم لبرامج الدراسات العليا المتاحة
اعتباراً من يوم السبت الموافق 16/7/2022 إلي يوم الخميس الموافق 25/8/2022
http://pgs.mans.edu.eg يتم التقدم الكترونيا على نظام ابن الهيثم للدراسات العليا بموقع جامعة المنصورة
(https://youtu.be/Fgf7C6n2EeY) باتباع الخطوات الواردة بفيديو التقدم للدراسات العليا كطالب متقدم للدراسات العليا
معايير وشروط التقدم لبرامج الدراسات العليا | |||||
Research Ethics | |
Creating awards for faculty members and their assistants and graduate students affiliated with the college for their achievements in the field of research and scientific publishing | |
Gentlemen faculty members, members of scientific societies | |
International scientific institutions that cooperate with them in joint scientific research | |
Gentlemen faculty members, members of permanent scientific committees or the like in which he participates | |
Gentlemen faculty members, members of scientific bodies | |
Gentlemen faculty members, referees of scientific bodies research in scientific journals | |
Gentlemen faculty members arbitrators of scientific theses in international universities | |
Gentlemen faculty members, arbitrators of research projects for scientific bodies | |
Gentlemen faculty members, referees, researches in scientific journals | |
Gentlemen faculty members who are editors of scientific journals | |
List of applied research for faculty members from 2018 until now | |
research projects |
مواقع المجلات العالميه
موقع يمكنك ترجمة مستند كامل أو مقالة عليه
مواقع للترجمة