Information Technology Unit

Speech by unit manager
Speech by unit manager
Dr. Rasha Abu Shabana
Within the framework of Egypt’s Vision 2030 - digital transformation, which is based on the principles of “comprehensive sustainable development” and “balanced regional development, which goes hand in hand with increasing knowledge, innovation and scientific research in all fields, especially scientific ones, which is an essential part of the state’s interest in settling technologies Modern and supportive technologies for information technology and e-education and an important pillar in the vision and directions of His Excellency the President of the Republic to build the new Republic - Digital EgyptWithin the framework of Egypt’s Vision 2030 - digital transformation, which is based on the principles of “comprehensive sustainable development” and “balanced regional development, which goes hand in hand with increasing knowledge, innovation and scientific research in all fields, especially scientific ones, which is an essential part of the state’s interest in settling technologies Modern and supportive technologies for information technology and e-education and an important pillar in the vision and directions of His Excellency the President of the Republic to build the new Republic - Digital EgyptInformation technology is a unit that depends on computing, including hardware, communications, software, and everything related to the transfer and management of information. Modern technology to communicate with the requirements of the modern era and also employ e-learning techniques to serve the faculty members in the educational process and to improve and develop the educational process in the college using strategies and methods supported by modern technology, especially computer and information technology. Where learners are provided with education and knowledge using technology and in a continuous manner regardless of place and time by providing educational materials and interactive lectures organized electronically that the learner can review and learn from remotely through interactive electronic platformsOne of the main objectives of the unit is to raise the level of the quality of the traditional educational process by providing teaching methods that depend on the use of e-learning techniques and enhancing the skills of dealing with them. Correspondence between all the administrative and scientific departments of the college and it is an alternative to the traditional paper handling as well as the application of the electronic examination system for students and graduate students and the provision of technical and technical support and infrastructure support from computer laboratories, internet lines and specialized programs in addition to the availability of manpower from maintenance technicians and technical and technical support and training students on How to deal with the electronic exams environmentThus, the unit will continue to strive to develop the reality of e-learning systems in the college and to switch to the electronic approach in everything related to the educational process
Curriculum Vitae

About the IT unit

Intro videos

Introductory videos for students


Introductory videos for academic staff

Introductory videos for administrators

Explanation of the question bank system

Explanation of creating electronic tests



Electronic test system (the role of the head of the control)


E-services unit

E-services unit

You can get all electronic services through the following links


Complaints and suggestions

الرجاء تعبئة الحقول المطلوبة.
الرجاء تعبئة الحقول المطلوبة.

Mansoura University - Faculty of Pharmacy - Administrative Building - Fourth Floor

postcode : 35516


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